• Important note:Orders received after December 23, 2024 at 12 o'clock will not be processed and shipped until January 2, 2025 due to inventory work.

Company details / Provider

Information according to §5 of the "Telemediengesetz" (Telecommunications Act) including detailed legal instructions for the use of this site:

Supplier or distributor of the products and services is:

EVO Eitel & Volland GmbH
Max-Planck-Str. 25
70736 Fellbach - Germany

Phone: +49-(0)711-2529416-20
Telefax: +49-(0)711-2529416-29 
E-Mail: collection@evogmbh.com
Web: www.evogmbh.com

Managing Director: Uwe Volland and Timo Eitel
Register Court: Stuttgart
Register number: HRB 264392
VAT registration number: DE 213460491

Domain owner/publisher:

Mercedes-Benz AG
Mercedesstraße 120
70327 Stuttgart - Germany

